Our Team
Dr. Jonas Fischer
Jonas acts as the current chairman of the board and assumes the role of CEO. He holds a PhD in law from the University of Bern and was an accredited commercial mediator (SDM-FSM/SKWM). Previous to his engagement at MEDORG Ltd., he ran a boutique law-firm in Bern and Zurich (2014-2024) with two partners, specialized in dispute resolution with a focus on healthcare. In addition to his practice, he was an Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center (BKC) at Harvard Law, as well as the Max-Planck-Institute for Procedural Law in Luxembourg (2020-2024) and has profound expertise in navigating conflicts between all stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem, with a special focus on compliance as well as current UX/UI design experience.
Dr. Mathias C. Fuchs
Mathias is a member of the board, a software engineer specialized in machine learning and assumes the role of CTO. He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Bern and has an extensive background as a full-stack software programmer. He is currently holding a position as senior consultant at AbaQon, guiding and helping large financial institutions implementing complex cloud architectures, as well as building tools using advanced Machine Learning. He is an avid expert in recognizing and assessing potential risk posed by applications an AI-based technology. He is passionate about designing and developing interfaces and overseeing programmers in their assesment of building respective software.
Alexander Gäumann
Alex is a member of the board and assumes the role of CFO. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (Basel) and a master’s degree in Health Economics and Healthcare Management from the University of Applied Sciences (Winterthur). As of this year, he became the CEO of a rehabilitation-clinic Eden (CH). Before joining MEDORG Ltd., he was the CEO of Neurozentrum AG (Bern) leading 50+ people. In his current roles, he focuses on the sustainable implementation of technology in applications related to healthcare and the corresponding integration as well as education of all relevant stakeholders, including communication.
Zora Graf
Zora Graf is an angel investor, entrepreneur, and designated board member of MEDORG Ltd. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education and worked as a teacher for 11 years before becoming an entrepreneur herself in 2021. Coming from a family where entrepreneurship is part of the DNA, Zora too strives to having an impact on today’s healthcare system. She is a strong believer in strengthening and enabeling better inter-human communication. Through strategic investments, she strives to amplify the voices of otherwise underrepresented or overlooked individuals within the healthcare system. She is supporting MEDORG’s mission of making inclusive, and comprehensive interfaces available for everyone.
Dr. Rémy Liechti
Rémy is a medical doctor holding Swiss Specialization Diplomas (FMH) in general surgery as well as in hand and peripheral nerve surgery (FMH and European Board of Hand Surgery Diploma, EBHS). Assuming the role of CMO at MEDORG Ltd., he is elected the designated chairman of the board for the next term. He graduated with an MD (University of Bern) and currently holds the position of attending physician at the Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery of the University Hospital of Bern. Due to his in-depth knowledge as a medical professional, he is an expert in pinpointing the needs of today’s healthcare system. He is a trailblazer in the design and visualization of surgical interventions with many years of experience in educating patients.